Friday, April 4, 2014

Kashmir- Paradise on Earth- Art work by Saiyyidah Seema Zaidee

Kashmir/ Kashmeer

Amazed by its soulful Majestic quiet demeanor and its natural vivacity, the mighty Emperor Shah Jahan called it the "Paradise on Earth".
Kashmir is the land where Mughal emperors escaped to enjoy some quiet time or to escape Delhi hot scorching summers in past era.Poets and artists would sit in meditation to draw or compose inspiration for their work. Such surreal natural exuberance enchants all to its wonderful charming alure again and again.
The state hemmed between north western ranges of Himalayas is glorified owner of natural splendor and bliss which continues to inspire and delight thousands of travel-lovers.

This painting was inspired by the trip to the Mountains on a weekend. The Mountains were unusually serene calm and beautiful. I tried to capture the colors that I saw that day. It was an overcast day with a hint of chilliness.....a warm cup of tea, and my dairy to jot down the view

Thursday, November 28, 2013


           THE STORY BEHIND....


"Don't leave me alone in this world as being far from one's land is harsher than taking a life"
 I look at the world and people around me with wonderful gratitude………. I think as a global community we have such vast difference, that is actually greatly inspiring, and how Allaah intended it to be.

 We were made into different nations and tribes and that creates a fusion of curiosity, respect, awe, love, and interest among all the cultures which is amazingly unique and beautiful. This gallery is all about cultural heritage, traditions memories, legacy, celebration, love, travel, soul, spirituality, comfort, beauty and inspiration. I love to travel and keep a visual journal which incorporated ephemera collected during my travel, which have been inspirational for my paintings in this gallery. 

“It’s a very introspective view for me: It’s realizing the beauty we have on earth, and also realizing the beauty in ordinary things to find joy even in sad moments to make the ordinary into extraordinary for every moment of our lives is a Blessing from Allaah [Almighty] only if we reflect and ponder……..

In today’s world America is known as the Melting Pot of the world. People from different countries of the world all come to fulfill their dreams. At the same time clinging to the cultural essence they bought with them, which is deeply rooted in form of expression, language cuisine, religion, beliefs, dress, artifact, values, folklore, philosophies memories, and to the deepest dimensions of their psyches. 

Living decades away from home might not provoke any sentiments for some, for they have buried their emotions of nostalgic ruminations into their deepest abyss of thoughts and have moved on with their lives. But for some emotional souls like me, who cherish pleasant memories, homesickness, longing, and yearning…being away has been Inspiring.

Cultural Art Gems is a visual recollection Journey of my childhood memories. It is my cultural journey experience from ‘Cultural Shock’ when I migrated to United States decades ago to ‘Cultural Shauq’ which is desire in Urdu for my homeland with more fondness-es.

The enriched heritage of hundreds years of cultural intermingling fusion which stretches from North Africa to Southeast Asia according to local customs and conditions, gave birth to Ageless legacy of Glorious Islamic Art. 
This beautiful tradition of Art promises everything- spirituality, rhythms beauty, dignity, form style and craftsmanship. 

The imprints left by successive civilizations can be found in the mundane-est handicrafts of exquisite Chikankari embroidery stitches done on the Kurta [shirt], the magical writing of the Quranic verses, to the breathtaking impressive palaces of Alhambra in Spain. 

A tapestry of cultural essences born of my past and present and sharing my heritage by telling the tales of two continents. I narrate here in these Art work series "Visual Remembrances" because I think many readers may find it historically informative, interesting, or perhaps even nostalgic. 

The tale of two continents cultural journey begins with Safar [traveling] of our ancestors from central Asia and Arab land to India bringing their rich heritage infusing with the local art tradition and culture.

Karachi, Lahore, Pakistan where most of my childhood was spent has a rich history.

Islamic heritage has been a remarkable source of my inspiration. The history, the legacy, the artifacts and the traditions is enough to set the mind spinning in awe and admiration. 

My passion for art, writing, spirituality, photography, poetry and compassion for feeling the nuance subtleties’ of human soul have inspired me to illustrate myself through these creative channels.

The “Collection” contains beautiful illustrated mixed media Art Work created combining my original watercolor, photography,
and acrylic...and in some cases modified digitally.
 I feel blessed by the ability to express myself in an artistic way which is ultimately a gift from Allaah God. I am deeply grateful for this gift of creativity. 

Alhamdu lill laah.

 My Gallery Prints...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

TRUCK & Rickshaw Art ..A Part of our Cultural Heritage


TRUCK & Rickshaw ART – Truck, mini-dragon, notorious auto-rickshaw, rickshaw, taxi's and buses, old or new, add colors and gaiety to the Desi cities life. Although often a menace and scary on the road, breathing free and smoke, and scattering all before whether it is in Afghanistan's, Pakistan's or India’s. Though a menace, it is at the same time disarming one, for it is also in its own way a work of art.  A truck embellished from bumper to bumper with paint and colorful, sculptured metal. All the wealth, taste and status of the owner is reflected in their appearance, as opposed to cars, whose drivers, rich or poor, are not really very different from each other. . Flowers, in vases or bouquets, or pretty little landscapes are the most common motifs. The lettering, whether Urdu, India, Pashtu, Persian or English, is always ornate. The finest pure Victoriana! Every part of the truck is decorated, flaps, under-carriage and hub. Front fenders are chromium-plated steel (sometimes wood, in old cars in Afghanistan), but with elaborate cut-work. 
The best landscapes appear on the back of petrol or water tankers. They are nearly always of picturesque lakes and mountains, with winding roads. Little trucks go up and down, and rose-covered cottages complete the picture. Scenes have great charm, oddly enough enhanced by the limitations of the tanker's oval shape. The oval frame belongs to another era and landscapes are right in tune with it.
Today Rickshaws’ a compact automobile design is a mirror of our Desi culture. It remains as one of the most important modes of transportation in South East Asia. A rickshaw is a light two wheeled cart which is designed to carry one or two people. The word is a derived from the Japanese jinriksha, which means “human powered vehicle.” Rickshaws have been used in Asia for hundreds of years. These lightweight, efficient modes of transport are used in many parts of the world, especially in their native Asia. Everyone who have lived and traveled in South East Asia region must at some point of their life experience traveling in rickshaw. In cities with narrow, cramped streets, a rickshaw can be a sigh of relief. It is an ideal mode of transportation when pressed for time their annoying noise is overlooked when their well to do snobbish cousin taxi is not available.Or when their daring devil, overly painted friend bus is overly crowded. A rickshaw is a welcome relief. Rickshaw drivers love using the back of the rickshaw as their scrap book. It displays their favorite quotes and poetries, puzzling questions; messages to other drivers. I don’t remember seeing any rickshaw ever without anything written on its back side. Some of these comments are a running commentary on our society’s social and economic fabric.

 Aik Baywafa Kay Kahtir Riksha Chala Raha Hoon
Chandni Raat Beeti Jaa Rahi Hai
Dekh Magar Pyar Se!
Horn Day Ker Paas Kerain
Soch raahaa Hai Pakistan...
Dil Hai Ashiqana